Put your inquiring minds to rest. Talk to us.
Put your inquiring minds to rest. Talk to us.
Put your inquiring minds to rest. Talk to us.
Put your inquiring minds to rest. Talk to us.
Put your inquiring minds to rest. Talk to us.

1975 - 2019
"What you plant now, you will harvest later."
Adlyn dove into her yoga journey back in 2008. Soon after, she took on the 200 and 500-hour Ashtanga training with Michel Besnard, Roslyn Ying, and Rob Lucas; marking her first steps as an instructor.
Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, the initial goal of losing the baby weight was forgotten and yoga became a sanctuary for her. In spite of the seemingly dire circumstances, she maintained her cheery disposition, remained resilient, and continued her practice. She even took it upon herself to branch out into Aerial and Rope Yoga to elevate her post-surgery, weakened strength, and flexibility. As such, she abated the side effects of the treatment and astounded her oncologist with her rapid recovery and ability to execute complex forms. Ardent, innovative, and gritty, she thrives, inspiring everyone and anyone who has ever been acquainted with her.
For her, yoga was the calm amidst the storm, and hence, she founded Club Yoga with a vision to spread the joy and blessings yoga has brought her.
A true fighter, her cancer relapsed to stage 4, four months after the opening of Club Yoga. Adlyn persevered through it all hash treatment of chemotherapy without any side effects. She continues to teach and brought many of her classes and students who had come to love her so much. She continues to push herself in her practice and teaching, introducing Rope 2 and Aerial 2 as her students continue to grow with her.
In July 2019, Adlyn passed on peacefully after coming back from a holiday with her family.
Adlyn lived the abundant life that God promised, full and meaningful. Her life is expanded and extended because she imparted her learning, she impacted the people around her with her hope, and infected people with her joy.